
Donor Spotlight | Holsteins Increase Their Giving to the Trust Through a Corporate Match Program

September 17, 2021

“We first heard about the Peconic Land Trust about a dozen years ago. We had recently become part-time residents of the East End (now full-time!) and were always interested in local events. We attended one of the Trust’s small gatherings at Wölffer Estate Vineyards one beautiful summer evening. Kathy Kennedy, Senior Manager of Outreach, greeted us, filled us in on the workings of the Trust and we then had a unique tour and wine tasting with Roman Roth, Wölffer’s own winemaker. Not only was the evening filled with wine and stories about the winery, but about why the land and its use was so important to the region.

After our first event with the Trust, we began attending other offerings and learning more about the history of securing farmland on the East End, as well as the current challenges to that work. John Halsey’s outline of how the Trust came into being, and the individual stories from local growers and others involved in the land were inspiring. Most importantly, we were extremely impressed by the Trust’s creativity and vision. They were approaching the challenges of their expanding mission with new ideas, new partners and delivering tangibles-results. The enthusiasm, intelligence, welcoming and breadth of efforts led us to enthusiastically supporting the Trust.

My employer, The Capital Group, has a real desire for its associates to give something back to their communities. In pushing me to broaden my interests and activities, I am more connected to colleagues and, perhaps, a more engaged employee. The Trust was an organization that we believed in and wanted to be committed to. The Corporate Match provided an incentive to increase our contributions and magnify their impact. It helped us make the jump from being an interested donor to being a “partner” and having a real connection with the Trust’s work.

The added financial capacity to donate through the Corporate Match is a blessing. It also brings with it some additional responsibilities. You want to make sure the charities being supported align with your goals and they are ones that you can feel a connection to for the long-term as we do with the Trust. In addition to donating through the Corporate Match program, we have also become members of Bridge Gardens. We so appreciate the peace and serenity of the Garden itself. The space provides a respite from the more crowded atmosphere outside its walls. We especially enjoy the work of Rick Bogusch, Garden Director. From his tours of the property, offering expert advice on gardening on the East End to a summer music evening, where he generously prepares items from their garden, his gentle manner pervades the space.

At the height of the pandemic, nature was probably the only thing that kept us going. We made it an adventure to go for a hike/walk nearly every day. It felt like the only safe way to be out and about. We figured out the Southampton trail system/map and kept a log of the trails we discovered. And there is always the beach. We are so lucky to be in an area that has so much accessibility to nature that has been preserved for us to enjoy. Conservation is all about preserving what we have today. Plus, looking ahead and trying to expand our reach so the quality of life for future generations will be even better.”

Thank you David and Carolyn Holstein for sharing your story with us. And thank you to all of our donors who make our work possible.

Interested in learning more about the Corporate Match program? Contact Olivia Waterhouse, Donor Relations Coordinator.

Support the Peconic Land Trust
Peconic Land Trust needs your support to protect the working farms, natural lands, and heritage of Long Island.