Wildflower Garden and Nature Trail Walk
This program is SOLD OUT! If you are interested in joining the waiting list you can email to events@peconiclandtrust.org or call 631.283.3195 ext. 122
Join us for a look at the native wildflower garden, planted four years ago. It attracts a wide variety of pollinators, with over 20 species of butterflies identified to date! Meet MaryLaura Lamont for a quick garden tour at the Visitor Center, then drive to the north parking lot for a guided walk of the nature trail and learn of its botany, bird life, and the varied cultural uses of the land through the centuries. Walk ends on the beach of the Long Island Sound.
Free! $8.00 NY State parking fee applies, but free parking for those 62+ with valid NY State driver’s license. Space is limited, reservations required, tick repellent suggested. Rain cancels.
We're celebrating the Peconic Land Trust's 40th anniversary in 2023! Themed "40 for 40," our Connections activities will bring you to 40 special places whose conservation has had an impact.