
Long Island Natural History Conference


Friday, April 12, 2024 – 9:00am
Saturday, April 13, 2024 – 4:00pm


Berkner Auditorium, Brookhaven National Lab
2 Center St
Upton NY 11973


2-Day Conference ticket at $50; Full-time student ticket at $25.




The Peconic Land Trust is a co-sponsor of the largest regional forum on Long Island’s natural environment. Perfect for anyone interested in the sciences, this symposium offers up-to-the-minute research and current information on various subjects in the fields of biology and natural sciences. In addition to lectures by scientists, a poster session provides information on the latest research and offers you the opportunity to connect with numerous conservation organizations about ways you can get involved.

Visit the conference website for more details, including the full schedule of workshops and to register.

Contact us

To register contact:

  • Seatuck

(631) 581-6908
Get Directions
Get Directions

Berkner Auditorium, Brookhaven National Lab

2 Center St, Upton, NY 11973, USA

Support the Peconic Land Trust
Peconic Land Trust needs your support to protect the working farms, natural lands, and heritage of Long Island.