“Tales on the Trail” Has Arrived at Bridge Gardens!
By Kathleen Kennedy
We’re excited to announce the arrival of “Tales on the Trail,” our version of a StoryWalk® at Bridge Gardens. What is a StoryWalk®? It’s a self-guided walk along a trail that combines the joy of reading with the fun of exploring nature with your children or grandchildren. StoryWalk® features laminated pages of a children’s book that are displayed along a trail. They are popping up in many places, and we’re excited to have one at Bridge Gardens!
Our first “Tales on the Trail” features local author Billy Baldwin’s adorable “The Last Leaf.” This charming story shares the challenges of a special oak leaf named Crinkle who overcomes bullying and defeat to rise above and become something very special. Our Tales on the Trail includes Spanish translation and is installed in our-newly created woodland trail, right near the entrance to Bridge Gardens. When you arrive at the garden, located at 36 Mitchell Lane in Bridgehampton, look for it on your right side as you pull into the driveway.
We are very grateful for the support received from the Bridgehampton Association and Riverhead Building Supply that enabled us to create this new garden feature, and to Brian Kennedy at Fixhampton for its construction and installation - thank you!