Notes from Our Late August Migratory Bird Walk
By Kathleen Kennedy
An amazing variety of birds can often be found throughout the landscape at Bridge Gardens, from soaring birds of prey to small, colorful songbirds. Offering many sources of seeds and nectar, nesting areas and water, the Gardens are a perfect place to view birds throughout the seasons.
As August turns to September, many birds begin to migrate to warmer climates to over winter. We asked Frank Quevedo, local birder and Executive Director at South Fork Natural History Museum (SOFO), to join us for a walk through the gardens and help us spot visiting birds. Frank offered these comments from the day:
“The weather was overcast, and precipitation occurred early in the morning prior to the walk. A total of thirteen species were observed but the most abundant species was the grey catbird.
The garden’s dense brush and food availability makes this area a perfect nesting site for this species. The grey catbird is a neo-tropical migrant that winters in Central and South America. Many juveniles were viewed feeding on insects and berries readying for their journey south.
Bridge Gardens mimics a backyard environment and most of the birds seen were common backyard birds and year-round residents such as, American Goldfinch, Northern Cardinal, American Robin, Mourning Dove, and Common Grackle. Towards the end of the walk a migrating monarch butterfly was spotted in the community garden, which is now on the IUCN Endangered Threatened Species Red List.”
A big thank you to Frank for sharing his time and birding talents!
Local bird enthusiasts Sandra Hunter and Jim Ash