
Looking Ahead | A Note from Rick Bogusch

January 20, 2025

By Rick Bogusch

Bridge Gardens

It’s certainly difficult to dig or edge or weed when the ground is frozen. And even though the spinach and other crops we have under tunnels look pretty good, they are definitely not growing. Like us, they’re waiting for stronger sun and warmer times.

When it’s not too brutally cold, January is a great time to prune trees and shrubs. Fruit trees, blackberries, raspberries, wisteria, hollies and other evergreens all benefit from a winter prune to increase flower and fruit production as well as control size and shape.


January is also a great time to dream about the upcoming season and plan your vegetable and annual gardens, along with any new projects and plantings. Read your catalogs and get seed, plant, and supply orders in soon to avoid disappointment. Seed starting season is just around the corner, so take advantage of time spent indoors and get prepared.

There’s beauty in the winter landscape, so bundle up, brave the elements, and enjoy a visit to Bridge Gardens. I hope to see you soon.

Happy New Year!

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