Looking Ahead | A Note from Rick Bogusch
For many of us, Labor Day is the end of summer, even though there is still 3 weeks left. It’s definitely NOT the end for gardeners, especially vegetable gardeners. Here at Bridge Gardens, we’ve already planted turnips, cauliflower, cilantro, beets, carrots, lettuce and radishes for harvest in early fall and still have spinach and arugula to sow. Seeds of cool weather crops sown now will reward you at the end of our season, which is at least 6 weeks away.
Other garden areas here are also signaling it’s not over yet. The Herb Garden remains lush and colorful; asters, goldenrods and grasses are just beginning to bloom; there are still roses and rose buds and as every Dahlia afficionado knows, September and October are peak season for this beloved cut flower.
Check out the Community Gardens to enjoy some exceptionally beautiful varieties a couple of our members are growing.
So, the beauty and abundance of summer remains, here at Bridge Gardens, and I hope in your gardens, too. Looking forward to seeing you soon,
~~ Rick
P. S. Just the other day, a visitor asked me how such a beautiful place can be open to the public without any admission charge. I explained it’s all due to the generosity of Peconic Land Trust and its willingness to fund Bridge Gardens from its operating budget, raised annually and without taxpayer support. She agreed with me that this is indeed a wonderful gift to our community and worthy of support.