Good News for the Environment in the New York State Budget
Earlier this month, we heard the news: Funding for the environment was strong in this year’s state budget.
The budget includes a historic $400 million in funding for the Environmental Protection Fund (EPF). Here on Long Island, funding through the EPF has protected many, many acres of open space including woodlands that filter our drinking water, trails that connect us to nature, and working farms that produce food and other products.
Included in the EPF is the Land Trust Alliance’s Conservation Partnership Program (CPP). CPP funds are available to land trusts across the state to support innovation, trails for public access, and many other purposes. The Trust has been the recipient of many grants through the CPP – including start-up support for our Farms for the Future Initiative back in 2007!
Each year the Trust works with partner organizations throughout the state to connect with the Governor and members of the State Senate and Assembly to share stories of how the EPF and other programs such as American Farmland Trust’s Farmland for a New Generation are creating healthier and resilient communities.
Environmental Bond Act Coming this Fall
This Fall there will be a ballot referendum for a new environmental bond act. As part of the state budget process, consensus was reached to pursue the Clean Water, Clean Air, Green Jobs Bond Act at $4.2 billion. This once in a generation opportunity includes funding for programs to protect drinking water, modernize critical infrastructure, conserve family farms and restore wildlife habitats while providing access to nature for more people. If approved by voters this November, the bond act would be the largest measure of its kind in New York history and would support 100,000 jobs and $9 billion in project spending.
We thank the Governor and members of the Senate and Assembly for their support!
Have questions about these historic funding increases? Contact Yvette Debow Salsedo, Vice President at