
Donor Spotlight | Tayhey Family

photo by Christine Kraft

August 24, 2017

Karen Tayhey


Tayheys Turn Birthday Celebration into Opportunity to Help the Trust Raise Conservation Funds!

For over 20 years, our family has been coming to the East End for its beautiful open spaces, woods, farms and beaches. But these very features could be its undoing.  Without thoughtful oversight of our natural spaces, we can easily lose what we value.


With this in mind, my husband David and I looked for a way to support an organization that was committed to maintaining farmland in the face of high land cost. We learned about the Trust!  We value their support of farm families as well as their support of agriculture, since we believe a plant-based diet benefits everyone. 

We made our first gift to the Trust this past June…and then thought that supporting a cause we love might be a perfect 50th birthday gift as well! We asked our lovely and generous friends to support the Trust instead of buying us gifts. We hope that their support will help the Trust continue its conservation mission. 

Thank you, Peconic Land Trust, for your work!

Inspired by this idea?  The Trust can work with you to make your special occasion one that makes a difference for a cause you believe in. 

To learn more contact Amanda Abraham at 631.283.3195 or email her at

Support the Peconic Land Trust
Peconic Land Trust needs your support to protect the working farms, natural lands, and heritage of Long Island.